Update my pokèmon sealed collection
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Morpeko (Japanese: モルペコ Morpeko) is a dual-type Electric/Dark Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII.
While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Morpeko can change forms with its Hunger Switch Ability.
#pokemonita #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #morpeko #morpekohyper #yamper #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
575 25
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Dragapult (Japanese: ドラパルト Dorapult) is a dual-type Dragon/Ghost pseudo-legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII.
It evolves from Drakloak starting at level 60. It is the final form of Dreepy.
#pokemonita #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #boltund #dragapult #dreepy #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
573 3
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Oggi vi mostro un’anteprima dei prossimi spacchettamenti che ci saranno sul canale YouTube! A Fine Ottobre vi aspetto su Twitch con un nuovo set up e con tantissimi nuovi contenuti! #pokemonita #pokeÌmon #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #collection #vintage #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
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Sbustamento pazzo alle 20.05 su youtube! Vi aspecto! Link in Bio!
#pokemonita #pokemonitalia #hiddenfates #pokemonfan #pokemonevent #tgc #shiny #charizard #destinosplendente #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
557 32
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Giovedi sera ore 21.00 sono live su youtube! Per sbustare un box da 36 bustine di Stile di Lotta! Vi aspecto Link in Bio canale Telegram per restare Aggiornati!
#pokemonita #pokemonitalia #battlestyle #pokemonfan #pokemonevent #tgc #shiny #tyranitar #pokemoncommunity #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #millenium #sword #shield #pokemon #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokèmon
497 12
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