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2021-05-29 22:15:50
1° posizione
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Update my pokèmon sealed collection - - - - - - #pokemonita #pokemonitalia #pokemonpacks #pokemonfan #pokemonevent #tgc #shiny #sealed #pokemonsealed #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #charizard #hiddenfates #federic95ita #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
795 13

2020-06-23 06:36:21
2° posizione
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Morpeko (Japanese: モルペコ Morpeko) is a dual-type Electric/Dark Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Morpeko can change forms with its Hunger Switch Ability. #pokemonita #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #morpeko #morpekohyper #yamper #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
575 25

2020-06-21 06:33:08
3° posizione
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Dragapult (Japanese: ドラパルト Dorapult) is a dual-type Dragon/Ghost pseudo-legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It evolves from Drakloak starting at level 60. It is the final form of Dreepy. #pokemonita #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #boltund #dragapult #dreepy #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
573 3

2020-10-02 07:48:46
4° posizione
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Oggi vi mostro un’anteprima dei prossimi spacchettamenti che ci saranno sul canale YouTube! A Fine Ottobre vi aspetto su Twitch con un nuovo set up e con tantissimi nuovi contenuti! #pokemonita #pokémon #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #collection #vintage #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
573 20

2021-02-19 17:47:31
5° posizione
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Sbustamento pazzo alle 20.05 su youtube! Vi aspecto! Link in Bio! #pokemonita #pokemonitalia #hiddenfates #pokemonfan #pokemonevent #tgc #shiny #charizard #destinosplendente #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
557 32

2021-03-17 16:33:22
6° posizione
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Giovedi sera ore 21.00 sono live su youtube! Per sbustare un box da 36 bustine di Stile di Lotta! Vi aspecto Link in Bio canale Telegram per restare Aggiornati! - - - #pokemonita #pokemonitalia #battlestyle #pokemonfan #pokemonevent #tgc #shiny #tyranitar #pokemoncommunity #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #millenium #sword #shield #pokemon #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokèmon
497 12

2021-07-09 15:59:39
7° posizione
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Altrochè Italia-Inghilterra.... La vera sfida è Calyrex glaciale VS Calyrex Spettrale - - - - - - #pokemonita #pokemonitalia #event #pokemonfan #pokemonevent #tgc #shiny #calyrex #regnoglaciale #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
495 8

2020-06-25 18:45:05
8° posizione
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Domani alle 14.30 nuovo video spacchettamento sul mio canale YouTube Frenk95ita! Passate a trovarmi e iscrivetevi per attivare le notifiche!!! #pokemonita #pokémon #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #collection #vintage #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
445 7

2020-06-17 11:09:02
9° posizione
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Boltund (Japanese: パルスワン Pulsewan) is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It evolves from Yamper starting at level 25. #pokemon #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #boltund #boltundv #yamper #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
432 6

2021-03-11 19:10:44
10° posizione
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Sbustamento pazzo domani alle 21.00 su youtube! Vi aspecto! Link in Bio! - - - #pokemonita #pokemonitalia #hiddenfates #pokemonfan #pokemonevent #tgc #shiny #charizard #destinosplendente #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
387 6

2020-06-09 10:51:47
11° posizione
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My box collector pokemon and yu-go-oh in my house! #pokemon #pokemon #pokemonitalia #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #collection #vintage #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #nintendoitalia #millenium #sword #shield
328 14

2022-10-03 17:28:41
12° posizione
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🔥Giveaway box incandescente Arcana🔥  ⬇️ Le regole sono semplici: - Seguite frenk95ita per i Giveaway! - Seguitemi su Twitch frenk95ita per i giveawayLive! -  Condividi il post nella tua storia a tutti i tuoi amici taggandoci; - Mettete Like; - Taggate tre persone nei commenti; - I sub su twitch avranno doppia possibilità di vittoria; Il giveaway parte oggi e terminerà Venerdi 07/10/22. Il vincitore sarà estratto in Live su Twitch ore 21.00 Venerdì 7 Ottobre Frenk95ita 🍀 Buona fortuna a tutti!!! 🍀
264 143

2020-05-19 11:54:24
13° posizione
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Mewtwo & Mew Tag Team GX (Japanese: ミュウツー&ミュウGX Mewtwo & MewGX) is a Psychic-type Basic Tag Team Pokémon-GX card. It was first released as part of the Unified Minds expansion. #pokèmon #pokemon #pokémonscudo #pokemonartwork #pokemoncollections #pokemonfan #pokemoncards #pokemoncard #pokemoncollector #tgc #shiny #mew #mewgx #mewtwo #mewtwogx #allenatore #twitchitalia #twitch #youtubeitalia #twitch #streamer #streaminglive #follower4follower #followforfollow #follower4like #frenk95ita #pokemonvgc #sword #shield
252 4

2018-09-05 13:07:40
14° posizione
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A volte bisogna bere la propria essenza per tornare ciò che si è realmente!
117 0

2018-10-06 18:16:16
15° posizione
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#followforfollowback #followers #follow4followback #follower4follower #sabrigamer #mates #matesyt #youtuber #youtubeitalia #youtubers #animali #sasha
112 0

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